Olá desenvolvedores .NET
Se você quer um TextBox
só de inteiros e com
CharacterCasing (que não há no .NET CF) apenas crie esta classe no seu projeto e arraste-o para o formulário.
Segue a classe. Existem mais 2 proprieades no componente:
Sete-os ao seu gosto e bom trabalho.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace DeviceApplication3
public class TextBoxEx : TextBox
bool upper;
bool only_numbers;
private const int GWL_STYLE = (-16);
private const int IM_UPPERCASE = 0x0008;
private const int IM_LOWERCASE = 0x0010;
private const int IM_NUMBER = 0x2000;
IntPtr hwnd;
public bool OnlyNumbers
get { return only_numbers; }
set { only_numbers = value; }
public bool UpperCasing
get { return upper; }
set { upper = value; }
public void setarInteiros(){
public void validarCaracIntRegex(KeyPressEventArgs e)
private extern static int SetWindowLong(IntPtr Hwnd, int Index, int NewIndex);
private extern static int GetWindowLong(IntPtr Hwnd, int Index);
private extern static IntPtr GetCapture();
protected override void OnKeyPress(KeyPressEventArgs e)
if (OnlyNumbers) // Só numeros
this.Capture = true;
hwnd = GetCapture();
this.Capture = false;
int previousStyle = GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE);
SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE, previousStyle | IM_NUMBER);
else // Só maiúsculas
if (UpperCasing)
if (Char.IsLetter(e.KeyChar))
// save the current caret position
int pos = this.SelectionStart;
// insert the upper case character
this.Text = this.Text.Insert(this.SelectionStart,
// and update the current caret position
this.SelectionStart = pos + 1;
e.Handled = true;